The Spring campaign for 40 Days for Life began March 5, 2025 and continues through April 13. Local vigil locations are located in Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. If you are unable to participate in a local prayer vigil, please consider individual prayer and fasting during the 40 Days for Life to help end abortion! Go to to find out more.
Advocates of abortion often argue that what's at stake in an abortion is a blob of tissue. But real-time ultrasounds have shown us the humanity of the child in the womb.
We can now see preborn babies turning somersaults, sucking their thumbs, and sticking out their tongues--actions that would be impossible for a mere blob of tissue.
Here are some important points to consider:
These facts demonstrate that a preborn child is not simply part of a woman's body, but a distinct individual who should have rights of his or her own.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Pro-Life Ministry at Holy Name of Jesus, please contact the parish office or Sharon Lacy.
Some Important dates:
January -A march & prayer around Butler County Courthouse with Butler Country RTL in Hamilton.
40 Days for Life ---Held in the spring and fall in front of abortion facilities in Cincinnati and Dayton, as well as in Hamilton in front of Planned Parenthood.
Prayer, fasting, peaceful prayer vigils are all part of 40 Days for Life. For more information on how you can get involved in helping to save the lives of the unborn go to
Memorial Day - March for Life with Butler Co. Right to Life... Parade in Hamilton.
Usually the first Sunday in June -"Cross the Bridge for Life", Northern Ky/Greater Cinc., Right to Life walk across the Purple People Bridge...Talks and family activites before and after the event.
July 4, parade in Hamilton with Butler Co. Right to Life
Oct Life Chain in Hamilton and Dayton.... Usually the first Sunday in October. Peaceful prayers along with provided signs along a designated roadway. Usally 2pm unil 3 pm concluding with church group prayer. Watch the bulletins for more information.
Ohio March for Life- First ever OHIO March For Life event scheduled at the courthouse in Columbus. Watch for updates for 2024.
If you know women and men who have lost a child through abortion, The Catholic Church offers "A post-abortion Healing Ministry":
Project Rachel, the Catholic Church's ministry to those who have been involved in abortion,
is a diocesan-based network of specially trained priests, religious,
counselors, and laypersons who provide a team response of care
for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion.
In addition to referring for Sacramental Reconciliation,
the ministry provides an integrated network of services,
including pastoral counseling, peer to peer ministry,
spiritual direction, and referrals to mental health professionals.
"I didn't think anyone would understand how I felt.
I was so relieved to be able to share my experience
with someone who understood what I was going through.
No one condemned me. They understood and helped me forgive myself."
Let Us Pray
A Prayer for Life
Father and maker of all,
you adorn all creation
with splendor and beauty,
and fashion human lives
in your image and likeness.
Awaken in every heart
reverence for the work of your hands,
and renew among your people
a readiness to nurture and sustain
your precious gift of life.
Grant this through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.