Holy Name of Jesus Christ Catholic Church
222 Hamilton Avenue
Trenton, OH 45067
Thank You for your interest in reserving our Parish Hall, below are the policies and procedures that must be signed before the hall can be reserved. Please read carefully before signing the agreement.
Holy Name of Jesus allows parishioners to use the Parish Hall with the expectation that the events taking place do not violate/are contrary to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. Appropriate activities would include: wedding receptions (between a male and a female), sacramental receptions- baptism, confirmation, etc, anniversaries celebrations, birthday parties, family reunions, graduations parties, dinners, fundraisers, etc.
Functions that are contrary to Catholic doctrine are never allowed; this includes but not limited to: same sex union celebrations, political functions, anti-Catholic associations. Catholics getting married outside the Catholic Church will also not be allowed to use the hall. In addition, events that are morally inappropriate such as gambling, nudity, drunkenness, or groups who are Anti Catholic are also not permitted. The pastor will be the final word on any dispute regarding what is an appropriate activity. The pastor reserves the right to prohibit any event at his discretion.
Parish members can use the Parish Hall
What does parishioner mean? One who is a faithful practicing Catholic in good standing, who is actively involved in the parish community, particularly attending Sunday Mass on a weekly basis.
If the parishioner is reserving the hall for an event, he or she must make sure that the event which will take place is in keeping with Catholic doctrine and that the celebration directly involves a current parishioner. Two examples: 1) A grandparent cannot reserve the hall for a grandchild's wedding, if that grandchild is not a parishioner. In this case, the grandchild must be the one who reserves it. 2) If a parishioner is reserving the hall for a wedding reception and one of the parties is Catholic and it is not taking place in a Catholic Church, the hall cannot be used, since it violates Catholic teaching. If neither party is Catholic, the hall should be reserved by the party getting married, not by a parishioner.
Because of the Mass schedule, parish resources, and limited parking, use of Parish Hall may never occur on Sunday between 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. or on Holydays.
Responsibilities of Event Holder
* Setup can begin the day before the event (as long as the Hall is not being used for another event).
* A key code will be provided to the parishioner to enter the side door of the Parish Hall, and the parishioner will be shown how to open and main doors of the Parish Hall. The parishioner is responsible for locking up all doors at the end of the event.
* All activities must end and guest must depart the facility at the specified time.
* Smoking is NEVER permitted in any of the Church facilities.
* If alcohol is given out, host must insure that those who become intoxicated are no longer served and anyone under-the-influence is not driving.
* Those who reserved the hall are responsible for the clean up- guidelines listed below.
* The facility must be left in the same manner as it was prior to renting.
* All trash is to be picked up and removed from hall before departing.
* All lights must be turned off and doors securely locked before departing.
* Nothing may be attached to the wall or the acoustical panels mounted on the wall.
* You are responsible for the cleaning up of food, drinks, and spills. All decorations should be removed before leaving the hall in side and out.
* All trash, inside and out, must be picked up and removed.
* The floor must be swept, spills mopped up and mop heads must be rinsed following any use.
* Tables and chairs must be wiped and cleaned.
* The kitchen must be cleaned. Any appliance or utensils that are used shall be properly cleaned and returned to their appropriate areas. The kitchen floor must be swept and mopped.
* Bathrooms must be cleaned.
* Soda and beer kegs must be removed before leaving.
* All lights must be turned off.
* All doors and windows must be locked and tightly shut.
* All vehicles removed from the premises and parking lot.
* All trash MUST be placed in the dumpster, dumpster located in parking lot across from the rectory.
* Please replace all trash can liners with new ones found in the cabinet under the sink in the kitchen.
* All chairs and tables should be returned to their original locations.
* Any damage to church property or neighbor's property must be reported immediately. Repair and/or compensation for the damages are required.
* Hosts must specify in advance if they wish to have alcohol as part of their activity.
* Hosts are responsible for obtaining liquor license if applicable
* Events in which the majority of youth, e.g., baptismal parties, sacramental receptions, birthdays, or quinceañeras, are not allowed to serve alcohol.
* Caterers may serve or provide alcohol, but they must have a license to do so, and must provide proof of said liquor license to the rental manager prior to using the facility.
* Alcohol provided by those hosting the event; may not charge for it and are responsible to make sure no one gets intoxicated.
* Alcohol may not be taken out of the hall by guests; all alcohol must remain within the parish hall.
Proof of Insurance:
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati and our insurance carrier, Gallagher Bassett Insurance, require that all users of the parish facilities who are not officially sponsored parish groups or apostolate provide proof of insurance PRIOR to use of the facilities.
This is not only for the benefit of the parish but for the benefit of the renter in case of mishap or injury.
We will apply for special coverage through the Archdiocese by way of the attached sheet. The cost is $ 125.00 per event. The application and payment for the Church Insurance must be received by the parish office 30 days before the event. Check for $125.00 should be made out to:
Arthur J. Gallagher RMS (Risk Management Services}
* Fifty percent of fee be made to reserve date (or paid in full 30 days prior).
* Donation for Hall must be paid 30 days prior to the event or reservation will be cancelled and all monies forfeited.
* Agreement must be signed 30 days prior to the event or your event will be cancelled and all monies forfeited.
* Event must be keeping with Catholic doctrine and outlined in the policies
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, (HM) agrees to allow the Parish Hall located at 222 Hamilton, Ave- Trenton, OH to be used by:
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ______________ State: _______ Zip: ________
Home Phone: __________________ Work Phone: __________________
Said premises to be used on (date): ____________________________ with set up no earlier than 9:00 am on day of use without written approval. Event will begin at (time) _____________ and premises will be vacated by (time) ______________. All events must end by 12:00 am. All guests must vacate premises no later than 1:00 am.
Explain the nature of your function and activities to be held (Holy Name reserves the right to refuse the use of the Parish Hall for any reason, events contrary to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church) are forbidden
Purpose of which the Hall is to be used: ___________________________________
Number of Guests: _______________ (Maximum number 300)
Lessee agrees to abide to the following rules:
1) To pay $200.00 fee to use the Parish Hall. Fifty percent ($100.00) of the fee is needed to reserve date of the event. All fees are non-refundable. We prefer full Payment, 1 Check.
2) The kitchen area is available for warming of food only. Lessee is not allowed to prepare and cook meals. User must provide own glasses, silverware, chinaware, pots, pans and all other supplies. Ice that is in the freezer is provided as well as refrigeration.
4) Checks made payable to Holy Name ($200.00). Insurance is separate.
5) To observe all city, county, state and federal laws and ordinances, including, but not limited to fire, health and safety requirements. Any penalty assessed against Lessor for the violation of such ordinances or laws while Lessee is using the premises under this Rental Agreement will be charged the Lessee. NO WEAPONS OR ANIMALS ALLOWED ON PREMISES.
6) To leave the premises, including kitchen & stove, neat, clean, and free of materials that were brought in for event. All trash must be gathered, placed in the receptacles provided and taken to dumpster. All decorations must be removed including areas outside hall. Parking area must be left free of trash, bottles, etc. Decorations may be hung on hooks provided but not thumbtacks or staples. All interior and exterior decorations must be removed. No use of sand inside building for any reason. Church assumes no responsibility for rented materials brought in by Lessee.
7) The Lessee is liable for any theft or damage to the premises or property, or both, arising from the negligence of Lessee or Lessee's patrons, clients, friends, invitees, licensees, or others whom the Lessee permits to come on the premises. Lack of supervision of such persons who remain on the premises shall be considered as negligence.
8) The Lessee shall be liable for any and all personal injuries sustained on the premises as a result of Lessee's use of the premises. (Insurance Policy must be purchased)
9) To discharge, release and hold harmless the Holy Name Parish, Holy Name's employees, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the Archbishop of Cincinnati, and his successors and assigns- from debts, claims and demands, costs, expenses, damages, actions and causes of action, which Lessee, Lessee's patrons, clients, friends, licensees, or others whom Lessee permits to come upon premises, may now have or may hereafter have as a result of Lessee's use of the premises during the time above stated, whether arising from personal injuries, theft, property damage or any other cause whatsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have agreed to the terms of this arrangement on this day (date) ______________. Holy Name Parish. - ____________________________________
By: _________________________________________
Lessee (must be 21)
Name of Organization - if applicable: _________________________________
Parish Hall Fee: $200.00 (Check to Holy Name)
4 of 4 (Complete Agreement)
Application for Special Events Coverage,
Go to this web site and complete the form, Cost $ 125.00
All Events must be reported 15 days prior to effective date.
Please report all claims to K & K Insurance Group, Inc. Claims department at 1-800-237-2917
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services
You may provide your own insurance coverage...Please see the information provided from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati below:
You can find more information on the AOC Risk Management website under special events. Note the requirements when serving alcohol. https://resources.catholicaoc.org/offices/finance/risk-management/insurance-coverages#SpecialEvents
Example-Certificate-of-Liability-Insurance.pdf (catholicaoc.org)
OR You may use the AOC special Events insurance coverage:
Application for Special Events Coverage,
Go to this web site and complete the form, Cost $ 125.00
All Events must be reported 15 days prior to effective date.
Please report all claims to K & K Insurance Group, Inc. Claims department at 1-800-237-2917
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services
If you have questions, please call the office at 513-988-6335