Rosary Makers

Rosary Makers

The rosary makers do not meet directly. Materials for rosary making are stored in a cabinet in the church basement. All are welcome. We had both men and women making rosaries.

If you feel called to serve God through this ministry, please contact Betty Isaacs at (513)867-8784.


Holy Name Rosary Makers 2021

Although the Rosary Makers do not meet "officially" as a group, the members are very active in keeping this ministry alive. The rosary makers pick up supplies stored in a cabinet in the church basement and make their rosaries at home. Then they return completed rosaries to the church where they are then sent to Our Lady's Rosary Makers in Louisville, Ky. From there they are sent on to missions throughout the world who have requested them. Below is a letter from a bishop in India where our last package was sent.

Keep up the great work Rosary Makers!


Dear Chuck Mitchell and Our Lady's Rosary Makers,

Greetings from Bishop's House, Kohima, Nagaland, Northeast India.

First of all, I want to inform you that the packet of rosaries you sent reached me today (Dec. 15, 2020).

I thank you all very sincerely for the rosaries which I distribute during my pastoral visits.

The Covid-19 infection rate is very high in India, but in Nagaland the number of infections is less than 50 a day. But we need to take care.

As you know from the news, India is going through a difficult time, The strike by the farmers is on the 20th day. Therefore we need more prayers and special grace from God through the intercession of Our Lady, so that our secular nature of the constitution is preserved and lived.

Kindly thank all your collaborators for the great help and service they do for the missions. Looking forward to your constant support and prayers.

With all best wishes and prayers,

Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil

Bishop of Kohima, Naghaland"

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