Welcome to Our Parish

Office- 513-988-6335
Parish Hall - 513-988-9348
Fax- 513-330-9849
email: holynamercc@gmail.com
Office Closed on Wednesdays

222 Hamilton Ave.,

Trenton, OH 45067

Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses

Saturday  5:00 pm

Sunday  9:30 am

Weekday Masses

Tuesday  8:30 am

Wednesday  8:30 am

Thursday  8:30 am

Exposition & Adoration on

Thursday following Mass

9:00 am-2:00 pm


Saturday  4:00 - 4:30 pm


The second and fourth

Wednesday  6:30 - 7:00pm

Upcoming Events

2025 Parish Vitality Report from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

 Please read the report and take the survey  here.


What is Alpha? Alpha “is a series of casual, open discussions about the fundamental teachings of Christianity.” That’s what the brochure says. Here’s how the people who have made Alpha describe it. It’s low-key and respectful. It works for people of all faith backgrounds. It doesn’t preach at people. It’s fun. It’s friends inviting friends. It’s good conversations with people like me. It’s videos and small group discussion; and I almost forgot the good food! (Please see the note later on.) It’s a place where nobody judges anybody. It’s a place where I’m cared about.

So why do they call it “Alpha”? “Alpha” is from the book of Revelation in the New Testament where Jesus calls himself the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, or the first and the last. Alpha if the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last. It’s a good metaphor for the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. “Alpha”, then, is a beginning in Jesus. It’s about helping people make a beginning or a start with Jesus. It’s primarily designed to be for people who have no experience of church or Christianity or very little experience. And it’s designed for Christians as a way to invite their relatives, friends and coworkers to meet Jesus in a very non-threatening way – for both of you. Have a listen:


One of the truths of evangelization (which means to spread the Gospel) is that neither you or I convert anyone, God does that. All you and I do is offer and invitation. However, it’s always good to know what you are inviting someone to. That’s why we encourage you to make Alpha or as much of it as you can, before inviting others to it. Also, for Alpha to run properly, it needs several teams of volunteers; teams to do hospitality, to set up and clean up, to host and help in the small groups, and most importantly, a team to pray for the participants and for the success of the program in general. So, there’s plenty for parishioners to do to help in the offering of an Alpha experience. Besides inviting family, friends and coworkers to experience Alpha, we hope you will consider being on one of the teams that helps present Alpha.

Can you bring your Teenagers? Yes! High School aged teens should be able to relate to the material and given that we get a good handful or more, they can form their own small group. And yes, they can bring their friends. 

Alpha begins Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 PM with a Pot Luck dinner (Bring something to share!) in the Our Lady of Sorrows Hall and will run throughout Lent. I hope you will be able to join us for Alpha.

And please pray for the success of Alpha.

God bless you.

Fr. Paul

  • Religious Education Classes Wednesday 6:30-6:45 pm

  • Thursday-Adoration 9-2 7:00 pm KofC Meeting/ Rosary @6:30

  • Fish Fry 5-7 pm Friday Stations of the Cross 7:30pm


  Our Lady of Peace        Family  of Parishes:


  ( click below for websites)
Holy Family, Middletown

Holy Name of Jesus, Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows, Monroe

New Archbishop of Cincinnati Announced...Click Here

for more details

Information on Archdiocese of Cincinnati -Jubilee Year 2025 here

 Archbishop Schnurr's Decree Desingating Sacred Jubilee Sites

A Christmas Message from Archbishop Schnurr,   

December 24, 2024

watch video   here


Other Links Below:                                                                     

Archdiocese of Cincinnati
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